Create a secured REST Api for a Next.js application using JWT and Golang
Create a secured REST Api using JWT and Golang
Upgrade macOS Quick Look to support even more filetypes.
The Quick Look feature on macOS (⌘ + Space) an incredible time saving tool. Upgrading it to support more filetypes will make you even more of a macOS ninja.
Enhancing your static site and markdown posts with Vue.js
Write inline web components in markdown posts to enhancing your static site
Using the exec command in node.js
Using the exec command in Node.js is pretty simple, first import the exec function, and then call it.
A vanilla JS solution to adding header deep links to your blog for easy sharing to direct content
A vanilla JS solution to adding header deep links to your blog for easy sharing to direct content
Absolute imports with TypeScript and Webpack
Absolute Imports in TypeScript using the tsconfig path resolver.
What is a tsconfig.json file and why do I need it?
Adding this file will give you some control on the compilation of TypeScript into JavaScript.
Using an Alfred workflow to assist in switching from Google Chrome to Firefox
Now every time I am about to launch Chrome, I see the "Launch Firefox Instead of Chrome" launcher.
Auto deploy Docker containers using a self hosted CI (Drone 1.0.0-rc.1) and a multi stage Dockerfile
Drone.io is a great, Docker based alternative to Jenkins that is a lot like a self hosted alternative to TravisCI. One of the best ways to get Drone automatically building your images for you, especially images that have a build stage, is to use a multi-stage Dockerfile
Using the 'timer' observable from Rxjs and Chrome Headless to hack a contest at work
The official rules read: “Everyone has their own tagged link that points to the landing page — each unique click = 1 point”. Interesting, very interesting.
Optimizing your Dockerfile build layers
Too many layers and your machines take a large amount of storage and can take a long time to download and extract. Too few layers and the machine takes F O R E V E R to rebuild.
Getting rid of hiccups
I found this the other day when I had the hiccups a few different days. Posting it here because it worked amazing and I do not ever want to forget this technique.
Command/Query Bus with IoC Container
Actions can either be a Command or Query. With the ApplicationCore, we can dispatch our Actions.
Showing code coverage for a React app using Code Climate and Travis CI
The documentation on Code Climate for setting up auto generation of code coverage for a JavaScript application was lacking pretty hard. Here I show how we can get a React app using Travis CI and Jest to automate generating code coverage that gets sent to Code Climate.
Testing a TypeScript React app using TS-Jest without using Create React App
Lets create a TypesScript React app without using the cli tool Create React App. This allows you to create a custom build specific to your deploy process.