Recovery Passport


Jack Powers - Cofounder/CEO

Jason Ibarra - Cofounder/COO

Jason Raimondi - Lead Software Engineer

Recovery Passport is a tool used by several mental and drug rehabilitation patients in South Florida, allowing the member to enter daily if they have been taking care of themselves and staying sober, as well as entering journal entries and goals viewable by their counselors and supporters.

Members are invited by their counselors and asked to journal daily about their thoughts and feelings. After each entry, the member is presented with three questions:

  1. How big of a deal is this for you?
  2. Pick a color to describe this entry? Blue skies, Yellow caution, or Red zone.
  3. How are you feeling? 1 horrible to 10 excellent

Journal entries are locked after a 30 minute period.

When logging into the app, members need to answer daily if they have maintained sobriety, or taken care of themselves (if mental rehab). When logging into the app, members need to answer daily if they have maintained sobriety, or taken care of themselves (if mental rehab).
Basic example member profile Basic example member profile
Adding an entry to Recovery Passport Adding an entry to Recovery Passport
After your entry, you need to answer how this event makes you feel After your entry, you need to answer how this event makes you feel
Entries are only editable for 30 minutes Entries are only editable for 30 minutes
Notifications list Notifications list


The app was developed using the LEMP stack in Laravel, and uses elements of Vue.js on the front end. Deployed to a Docker Swarm on Digital Ocean.