Install dependencies
The only dependency required is going to be exiftool
brew install exiftool
Debian or Ubuntu
sudo apt install -y exiftool
Use OpenStreetMaps to find the your location coordinates
If you open OpenStreetMaps and navigate to the location you’d like to add. I wanted to add the location of the venue for my wedding photographs.
It landed me about here:
Latitude: 34.418243 Longitude: -118.795463
exiftool \
-GPSLongitudeRef="West" \
-XMP:GPSLongitude="-118.795463" \
-GPSLatitudeRef="North" \
-XMP:GPSLatitude="34.418243" \
If you wanted to do an entire directory of images
exiftool \
-GPSLongitudeRef="West" \
-XMP:GPSLongitude="-118.795463" \
-GPSLatitudeRef="North" \
-XMP:GPSLatitude="34.418243" \
Exiftool adds the location data to the photo by altering the file in place while also creating a copy of the original file(s) at {input-file-name}-original
Importing into Apple Photos
Now when we import our photos into Apple Photos, the location data shows up correctly for our images.